
Who am I? Who do I want to be?

Does your teen have a hard time balancing social media and real-life connections?

Are the pressures of Academics stressing them out?

Are peer pressures getting in the way of them making smart choices?

Does your teen seem to be hiding in their room? Withdrawn?

Are they struggling with sustaining attention in their activities?

Adolescence is an important part of life for exploration and growth, yet it comes with many challenges for the adolescent and the family. Most adolescents and families are having to juggle puberty, school, family, friends, and relationships. Adolescence can be a confusing time figuring out self, who they want to be, and how they will fit into this world. Through teen and family therapy, teens and parents can work to prevent current struggles from worsening and becoming a chronic problem through adulthood. Some of these struggles may be:

Relational, peer, and family conflict

Alcohol and substance

Anxiety and

Disordered eating


Sexual trauma

Poor performance in school

Self harming behaviors

Positive coping skills

A solid sense of self

Further, adolescent and family therapy can help adolescents and parents develop:

Effective communication

How to improve relationships

Positive family dynamics

Healthy relationships with parents, siblings, and friends

How to regulate and understand emotions

Greater self esteem and self confidence

Key Features
of Teen

  • Recognizes and addresses the specific developmental challenges and issues faced by teenagers.

  • Creates a confidential and safe space where teens can express themselves openly without judgment.

  • Integrates various therapeutic modalities, including talk therapy, play therapy, art therapy, and other creative methods based on the teen's preferences and needs.

  • Fosters effective communication skills to help teens express themselves and navigate relationships with peers, family, and authority figures.

  • Focuses on teaching healthy coping mechanisms to deal with stress, anxiety, and other challenges.

  • Addresses issues related to peer relationships, family dynamics, and romantic relationships, helping teens navigate social interactions.

  • Assists in academic and career planning, recognizing the impact of these aspects on the teen's overall well-being.

  • Addresses and works through behavioral issues, helping teens understand the consequences of their actions.

  • Provides tools for emotional regulation and resilience, supporting teens in managing intense emotions.

  • Involves collaboration with parents or guardians to enhance understanding and support for the teen's needs.

  • Supports teens in navigating the challenges of transitioning from adolescence to young adulthood.

  • Encourages autonomy and empowers teens to make informed decisions and take responsibility for their actions.

  • Utilizes a trauma-informed approach to address and heal from past traumas or adverse experiences.

Engaging with teens involves a blend of play and talk therapy, aimed at addressing underlying emotional challenges that may impact crucial relationships and developmental aspects of their lives. The main emphasis is on fostering healthy coping skills and cultivating a sense of responsibility as they navigate the transition from childhood to young adulthood.​ Teen therapy is a collaborative process that aims to help teenagers build resilience, develop a strong sense of self, and acquire the skills needed to navigate the complexities of adolescence. The therapeutic relationship provides a foundation for growth, self-discovery, and positive mental health outcomes.

Get Started By Booking a Consult

Taking the first steps towards finding support to heal, change, and grow takes courage. Whether you are ready to schedule a session or you are still deciding if therapy is for you, We encourage you to reach out to our team. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have and to discuss options with you. To make sure we are a good fit, we can provide a free 20 min consultation.

Please provide your information in the contact form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible to schedule a session or answer your questions. 

Picture of a couple holding hands and smiling.

Grief Counseling


Child Therapy