The Connection Between Cleaning and Mental Health

Why does a clean and tidy home have such an important and positive impact on our mental health?

Negative Impact of Mess:
  • A study by Princeton University emphasizes that clutter can make it difficult to focus
  • Clutter and mess are linked to negative emotions; confusion, tension, and irritability
  • Organized homes link to positive emotions; calmness, sense of well-being
  • In the brain, clutter represents “unfinished business,” which can be highly stressful for people

Benefits of Cleaning:
  • People with clean houses tend to be healthier, physically, than those with cluttered homes 
  • The relationship between a clean house and mental health can reduce anxiety
  • In an article published by the journal Mindfulness discovered that people who took their time to wash dishes had a 27% reduction in nervousness and 25% improvement in mental inspiration
  • Studies have found that clean sheets associate with a better night’s sleep, which provides a whole benefit for mental health
  • Cleaner homes reduce stress, feelings of anxiety, and depressive symptoms
  • People are less irritable, distracted, and more productive with an organized work area 
  • Cleaning can be classified as a form of exercise, and exercise can release endorphins 
  • The scent of the home has a huge effect on mood
  • Cleaning promotes a sense of achievement which can feel very empowering for those suffering from mental health issues

Why is this important:
  • It is important to learn about how cleaning, decluttering, and mess can affect your mental health because it is directly about your surrounding environment. 
  • Cleanliness can improve your mood and overall health because your environment plays a direct role in how you feel. 
  • Clutter and mess can be stressful for a person because it is not pleasing to the eye, which reflects back into your mind. 
  • In extreme cases of mental health illnesses, the lack of motivation to clean is an issue
  • The knowledge of the association between mental health and cleanliness can be used as a motivation tool to declutter, organize, and clean your environment to improve those symptoms of anxiety and depression. 

Improving your mental health can start by a simple spring cleaning. 


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